Geetanjali Mukherjee

Monday, July 9, 2012

Half-Yearly Review

Half the year is over - we are already into July 2012. Can you believe it! This is a good time to re-look at our New Year's Resolutions, if we made any and still remember them, and see if any of them can be salvaged in time.

My resolutions were more vague this year, none of the 'I will lose 30 pounds' stuff that invariably makes you feel bad about yourself on 31st December. I decided instead to focus on inner transformation, which is vague enough to be encouraging but not so vague that I cannot measure progress. What are all the ways I have attempted to accomplish this, that is another blog post.

The reason I am leading with this is to explain - one of the ways I interpret this transformation is to be true to myself - and voice my real thoughts and feelings, which in some ways I was hiding. Out of fear that I would be judged by others, I judged myself and hid behind a veneer of boring.

So my new half-yearly resolution - express my true thoughts - through this blog. A lot of people may find this is very easy resolution, but to me its surprisingly hard, as I second-guess every word and thought, critiquing myself far more harshly than most critics I would encounter.

So here goes, a leap of faith and a promise of adventure!

What half-yearly resolution are you willing to attempt?

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